In the media

In the overview below you will find various news items about the project.

Nieuwsbericht Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Met slimme technologie sportblessures en mentale dip te lijf
NPO Radio 1: Langs de Lijn en Omstreken
Technologie tegen sportblessures
“Why Your Post-Exercise Recovery Differs from the Average” and “The latest football science research”
Outsideonline and topsportlab have picked up our ergodicity paper and wrote a nice article about it
Sport Science & Innovation Award for Master student Carolin Arens
The master student wrote her thesis within the project on network models and won the SSIG-award
Resilient elite athletes and better sports performance thanks to the resilient athletes project
An article about the project by Sportinnovator
Using data to predict resilience in elite sports
An article about the project in the University of Groningen Magazine